Friday, December 28, 2007

A Little Christmas Wrap-up

Three days post-Christmas. I think I'm still recovering from the Big Family Thing. It seems to be a four-day event in our family. Saturday=Cookies. Sunday=Movie Marathon at Forget-me-not's. Monday=Family Gift Exchange. Tuesday=gifts in the morning, visiting later. Time for a yummy nap in the afternoon. Simple supper.

Violet took Blackeyed Susan home with her on Wednesday, for four days. Alvin Fernald spent the day with his bud on the next street. Charming went to work, and I just played.

I got from Charming. It is a companion to the father/daughter sculpture he received for Father's Day. It reminds me of Alvin Fernald, but also of my four other men-who-used-to-be-little-boys.

This is the mug I received from Violet. As she says, "it is from your alma mater, AND it has your name on it!"
I went to Saint Mary's (the women's college "across the street" from Notre Dame). I met Charming over at ND just after Thanksgiving, freshman year. We always talk about how our children wouldn't be here "except for Notre Dame." Love the football thing with a passion. Have had lots of sweatshirts, coffee mugs, posters, etc. of The School. But, for some reason, in the thirty-four years since that freshman year, I haven't had anything SMC. This little thing brought tears to my eyes. And I have used it every cup-of-coffee since.

I have a friend who is moving this week, that offered to sell her three-year-old washer and dryer for $100. Johnny Tremain and Rocky Balboa fetched it for me, and put it down in the basement here. Later, my friend called and left a message for me: thank you for being a great friend, and... I tore up your check!

Wow. Do I have a great life or what?

Blessed Christmas. Blessed Father who gave the "unspeakable gift." Father, help me to live the life You desire in the coming year.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...


I'm really glad you feel that way about the mug--I hoped it would be as special to you as I meant it to be. I wanted it to be something from me to you: Woman-to-woman, honoring *your* dreams and experience. I love you!
