Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why, yes, my family IS weird...

Heard around the homeschool this week:

--the difference between a troubadour and a minstrel (thank you, World Book!)

--the founding of Rome: 753 B.C., the fall of Rome 476 A.D., the fall of Constantinople, formerly Byzantium, futurely Istanbul, 1453 A.D.

--trying to remember the lyrics to They Might Be Giants' "Istanbul not Constantinople"

--chuckling over Don Quixote's using the Fall of Constantinople (1453) as his default setting on his wristwatch alarm

--Kingdom Monera (including bacteria), listening to restaurant managers Daddy and Joe Hardy regaling us with food-borne illness stories they learned at Serv-Safe classes. Eeuuww.

--Learning that a "mild" case of botulism can cause high fever, vomiting, and severe diarrhea, and laughing at anyone who would inject such a poison in their body (i.e., Botox)

--Laughing at women in the 1890's who took little bits of arsenic to make themselves "pale."

--Dividing expressions with "x" variables, such as 3x - 6 over 3, divided by, 4 over 6x - 12. Blackeyed Susan asking, "when would I ever use this in real life?" Me answering, well, unless you work in Math, I guess NEVER. But, you still have to learn it, so you can do Higher Math that you will never use again, either.

--Okay, kids, time to read. "Can't we clean the bathrooms instead?" Alien children. I have Alien children...

edited to add: By the way, I took Latin class beginning in 1969, and *I* remembered the dates of the founding and fall of Rome. (preening my feathers, here). Maybe that doesn't say so much, because I also remember David Cassidy's birthday is April 12, and Donny Osmond's is December 9, from the Tiger Beat magazines my friend and I read. Maybe all information remembered is not all that useful...but if you ever need to know the dates of the founding and fall of Rome, let me know...


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

You were so right. I love this. :) I added you to my bloglines so I never miss a treasure like your game post. The Big Blow-up and such I have experienced firsthand. You make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hey Barbie Heart,

To get the lyrics to Istanbul is Constantinople, rent "Mona Lisa Smile!"

Love and hugs from the White Mountains homefront,

Pinky Marie

Anonymous said...

One more think, Barbie Heart...

Your family is weird because OUR family was weird! Don'tcha love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey: you tell Blackeyed Susan that ABSOLUTELY she will use algebra in her future life! She may not use Xs, but algebra teaches abstract thinking and logic and sequence that is useful in TONS of stuff. Algebra is simply the shortcut to explain it all. When I taught college English, there were a few times each semester where I'd stop and say, "This is why you took algebra in high school."

Sounds weird, but I am older than she is, and I know.

Geometry, on the other hand... ;-)


Promise Christian Academy said...

Ok, I just HAVE to ask... what planet ARE your children from? Cleaning toilets over reading! Of course, my son was excited over the disposable toilet scrubbers....
Nice visiting your blog! Love the handiwork,
Hilda Rebecca