Friday, January 26, 2007

Six Weird Things Meme

I've seen this meme all around, and everyone who does it ends by saying, "I tag anyone who wants to do it." I guess that is because it's a little more difficult to find those "weird" things that we are willing to share. Well, here goes for me...

1. I like the smell of skunk. I would just let the car window stay down when we "come across" one in the summertime, except my family wouldn't let me. Maybe someday I'll find one when I'm alone in the car...

2. I went to funeral homes a lot when I was a child. We had lots of great-aunts and such that died, and my parents thought it was "just a part of life" to take your children. When I was eight, my five-year old sister died, and Mother knew we would be at the funeral home late, so she asked my seven-year old brother and me to take a nap. Several times she came to the bottom of the stairs and yelled at us. Finally, she said, "if you aren't asleep in five minutes, you can't go to the funeral home tonight!" We flipped over to the wall, and that was the last anyone heard of us for an hour...The threat of not being able to go to the funeral home made us shape up pronto! A tad warped, there...

3. All the way through school, I memorized at my fellow (girl) students shoes, so that when I was in the rest room, I could tell who was beside me on either side, by identifying their shoes. This went on clear through high school, by which time you would think I'd have better things to do. For a reference point for my younger readers, I grew up in a time where you had Church Shoes, School Shoes, and Tennis Shoes, so basically you wore the same pair every day.

4. My fingerprints are on file at the FBI. When I was in seventh grade, my brother had a rare disease that was being studied at the National Institutes of Health. The doctors wanted to study the three normal siblings, so we went for a week to be "guinea pigs." Because it was a government facility, they fingerprinted us. While I was there, I found what I wanted to study in college--Medical Technology, by asking questions at the laboratories on every floor of the hospital, where they were doing research. I later learned that the FBI was established for one purpose--to be a repository for fingerprints (the newest technology at the time).

5. I love to mix my food. You know, like mashed potatoes/meat loaf/corn. I mix it all before I start to eat it. Even with steak, I will load a piece of steak, a bite of potato, and a bite of broccoli on my fork before I eat it. I have children who not only don't mix their food, but have to have it completely separated on their plates. I saw them spring from my loins, so I know they are mine, but...

6. I rode on the Wabash Cannonball when I was four years old, before it stopped running. All I remember of the ride was standing up on my seat and seeing the man behind me snoring, and my mother telling me it was rude to stare at people. The seats were velvet and had white antimassacars on them. The trip was twenty-five miles long. To hear a clip from the folksong "Wabash Cannonball," click">here.

Well, now you know a few "weird" things about me. Although, if you know me, it's ALL weird, isn't it?

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