I wanted to share a photo of Don Quixote's birthday quilt:
The pattern is called Chinese Coins. You may not know that Don Very Nearly Completed a novel during his college years. In this science fiction/political thriller, a Chicago native becomes Premier of China, under the name of Omicron. So I named the quilt Omicron's Coin of the Realm.
Now, for a few details! Don asked for a "little color" in his quilt. I decided to place these few pieces in a Fibonacci sequence, one of our family inside jokes. So, there are colored patches in places 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc. in the rows of "coins."
I chose a Chinese red for one of the colored fabrics. I also have a fabric with chambered nautiluses (nautili?), one of the places in nature where the Fibonacci sequence occurs. I also used a fabric with multicolored puzzle pieces, the symbol of autism. (You may know that Don has Asperger's Syndrome.)
(by the way, I knew that Don liked the color orange, and I considered it for the alternating bars. However, it looked Jack-o-lantern--ish, so I chose yellow. Which ended up looking bumble-bee--ish :) . I didn't know that Don dislikes yellow. He 'llowed as how he'll attempt to live with it! Don has already had offers to take the quilt off his hands by my two Yellow-Lovers, Charming and Alvin Fernald....
My family is just so darn Helpful, aren't they?
Nice cake, girlie!
That quilt is FAB! If DQ doesn't want it, I'll take it! ;-)
(Did you notice in the first picture of the quilt, Sherman The Cat is sneaking up under it? You know how he is with any blanket. HA!)
First - she of course, learned to make that fabulous cake from you!
Second - I absolutely love the meaning and significance behind each part of that quilt. What a fabulous thing for him to have to remind him of his mother's love...and lack of knowledge regarding his color choices. :-)))) Not to mention the educational opportunities for generations to come regarding math, literature, and more.
One day it might even be found in an attic trunk and inspire a Nancy Drew mystery - The Clue in the Quilt! I love it!
Such a beautiful quilt, Barbie! Love it! I rarely get blog reading time anymore, but still pop in once in awhile. I always enjoy your posts. ;)
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