Monday, July 30, 2007

Last Week's Projects

Yippee! I finished binding my black-and-white quilt with bias-cut striped fabric. It also looked very cool on the back side:
My dishcloths were in shreds, so I found all my cotton yarn. I looked up a website here to get a few cute patterns. Here you see the Pear Cloth:
I made a plain one out of a partial ball of green variegated, and last night I began a basketweave in yellow (while watching the movie Rebecca:
We are so excited here because *both* Forget-me-not and Lily are expecting babies in March! So I dragged out seven pieces of flannel that I had bought at a $1.99 sale at Jo-Ann's. I cut them to size and hemmed them up Sunday afternoon:
Saturday we traveled to Charming's mother's home for a party to welcome our nephew and his best friend home from Iraq. What a special time, rejoicing that the Lord has brought them home safely.
Swimming was the order of the day for the Cousins (Alvin Fernald in the middle, Blackeyed Susan along the side in the ponytail, Don Quixote beside her):
I preferred sitting in the swing, listening to the guys. I usually try to be in the vicinity when Music Breaks Out (Charming in the plaid shirt):
A very full day of sun and food. No talking on the two-hour trip home--snoozing was the order of the night . We absolutely dragged ourselves out of bed for church--the reason I try not to have a Big Night on Saturdays. But absolutely worth the trip--Charming saw brother and sister friends from his growing-up years he hadn't seen in twenty-five years or more. Family is the coolest!


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

LOVE the black and white! That is a keeper! Thanks for your sweet words, by the way!!

Scott said...

Thanks for visiting my site, "Honey, I Fed The Kids," and warning me about Talking About Our Feelings.
I guess I'm going to have to dig deeper in your blog and find out if "Forget-Me-Not" and "Don Quixote" and such are real names. Makes me feel like my family and friends need better nicknames.